Spring is coming soon, which often means spring cleaning. There is something refreshing about attacking piles of junk or clutter and freeing up a space to make it nice and neat. You may not be a "neat freak" but, (if you are like some people), you do hate too much clutter for too long.
When you look at a jumbled closet, for example, you may finally decide you've had enough of the mess and dive in to clean it up. You may start by taking inventory of the clothing and other items and deciding if they are valuable or sentimental enough to keep. More than likely, you try to make a keep, discard, and donate pile as you go. It's usually an exhausting and tiring exercise but there is something satisfying about organizing, revamping, or redecorating a space to improve it's appearance or function.
It's funny, but once this is done, you often can't remember what it looked like before because the new space is so much better. A place that was once cramped and crowded is now open and usable. It’s more organized, you can reflect on how different it looks and feels, and you can just appreciate it more. Just like you need to clear out cluttered closets or rooms in your home or office, you also need to clear out cluttered areas of your life.
Take a moment to evaluate everything in your world. Look closely at the people and things that surround you, (your job, lifestyle, relationships), and decide if they are valuable enough to keep.
Are they benefitting you or are they creating “clutter” in your life, (negativity, toxicity, or pain)?
Maybe you need to organize by saying "no" to things that are stealing your time, joy, and peace. Perhaps you need to revamp by seeking out a new job or career path that actually excites you. It could be time to redecorate by removing that friend or family member that always makes you feel small when you are around them. No matter how you clear out the clutter, it is time for you to move in a more positive direction and free yourself of anything, or anyone, creating feelings of unhappiness for you.
Only you can make this change. No one else can do it for you. It will be messy and tiresome, but once you take the step to do this, you will be able to appreciate the new open space in your life. Be sure to protect it and do your best to keep it from becoming cluttered again.